Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Srikandi Aceh Pocut Meurah Biheue

Srikandi Aceh Pocut Meurah Biheue
Srikandi Aceh Pocut Meurah Biheue

Srikandi Aceh Pocut Meurah Biheue atau Pocut di Biheue

Pada tanggal 1 November 1902 sebuah patroli Belanda di bawah pimpinan Letkol T.J. Veltman yang terdiri dari 18 orang, beroperasi di Kampung Biheue (antara Sigli dan Padangtiji). Ketika berpapasan dengan Pocut Meurah pasukan Belanda mencurigai bahwa Pocut menyembunyikan sebilah pedang di balik sarungnya. Sewaktu hendak digeledah, dengan serta-merta ia menyerang anggota-anggota patroli dengan sebilah rencong.

Dalam serangan itu Pocut menderita luka-luka parah karena dua buah tetakan kelewang di kepalanya, dua buah di bahunya dan sebuah otot tumitnya (ujung urat Achilles) putus sama sekali. Namun tak sesaat pun terpikir olehnya untuk menyerah kalah kepada kaphe. Patroli berjalan terus dan membiarkannya terlantar begitu saja dalam keadaan yang sangat menyedihkan. Akan tetapi berkat perawatan sanak saudaranya beberapa waktu kemudian Pocut ternyata sembuh juga, bahkan ia bertekad melakukan suatu tindakan pembalasan.

Berita tentang keberaniannya itu menyebabkan kolonel Scheuer, pemimpin pasukan Belanda yang telah merebut puri Cakra Negara di Lombok, sengaja berkunjung dari Lombok ke Aceh khusus untuk berjumpa dan menghormati srikandi itu.

Acehnese heroine Pocut Meurah or Pocut di Biheue

On November 1, 1902 a Dutch patrol unit of 18 men under the command of Ltcol TJ. Veltman were in Kampong Biheue (between Sigli and Padangtiji). When they encountered Pocut Meurah, they suspected her of hiding a sword in her Sarong. When they were about to search her, she suddenly attacked them with her dagger.

In this attack, Pocut was badly wounded: site got two sword cuts on her head, two on her shoulders, while her Achilles tendon was totally cut. Nevertheless, it did not occur to her at all to surrender herself to the infidels. The patrol unit continued their march, leaving her behind in a very miserable condition. However, with the care and treatment given to her by her relatives, she eventually recovered and promised to revenge.

Accounts of her courage made Colonel Scheuer, the commander of the Dutch troops that had successfully the Cakra Negara shrine in Lombok, pay a special visit to Aceh to meet and confer honor on the heroine.

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